
Showing posts from January, 2023

Cooper Irinaga's First Blog Post

 Hi guys, my name is Cooper Irinaga. I am a freshman and this is my semester at UAF. I like to draw, play sports and live life to the fullest. I try to keep an open mind about everything I experience, whether that be my peers, my situation, or how I perceive life. I see myself as being kind, friendly, and genuine. I am very big into skiing which I enjoy with my close friends, it is a great way for me to stay motivated and happy. I am very much looking forward to this class, I see art as very complex, interesting, and magnificent.  I have a very straightforward relationship with Art. Since I was a kid I have always liked drawing and had a special connection to the beauty of art as a pastime. I mostly draw and shade. I read manga and get inspiration from some art styles that I find intriguing. I also have felt a deep connection with origami, paper folding took up a lot of my free time when I was younger and it helped me become more creative with symmetry and to manifest a good eye for de